Privacy Policy

Purpose of the treatment

The data will be processed by the Data Controller or by Managers suitably identified by the same for the following purposes:

• Management of the prize competition and any communications relating to it;
• Direct marketing activities towards contest participants;
Personal data is processed not only by electronic means but also with non-automated tools.
The participant is free to provide the requested personal data; on the other hand, failure to provide them may make it impossible to process any requests.
The data can be used by Nava srl ​​personnel who have been assigned a specific role and who have been given adequate operating instructions, as well as by third-party companies that carry out instrumental activities on behalf of the Data Controller, the latter acting as external data processors and under the direction and control of the Owner.
Furthermore, the data may also be communicated to public bodies for legal compliance, as well as to third party subjects and companies, such as companies closely connected to contractual administration and consultancy activities. The indicated third party entities will act as independent data controllers.
Personal data are not disclosed to indeterminate recipients and are not transferred to foreign countries.
The data will be processed in such a way as to ensure adequate security, including protection, by means of appropriate technical and organizational measures, against unauthorized or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage ("integrity and confidentiality").
The data of the participants in the competition will be duly stored in the data collection database connected to the participation site, for which the Data Controller and Data Manager are responsible for safekeeping for the entire duration of the competition. The data will be kept for the duration of the entire prize competition and in any case until the limitation period and the law in respect of the rights and in compliance with the consequent obligations. While processing is ongoing, the data subject may exercise the following rights at any time:

• ✓ obtain confirmation of the existence or otherwise of the same data and, if so,

• ✓ know its content and origin,

• ✓ verify its accuracy request the rectification of inaccurate data, the integration of incomplete data or the updating of outdated data, or

• ✓ obtain the limitation of the processing, where one of the hypotheses provided for by article 18 of the GDPR occurs;

• ✓ request the deletion of data processed in violation of the law, or in the presence of one of the other conditions set forth in article 17, paragraph 1, lett. a), b), c), e) and f) GDPR

✓ oppose in any case, for legitimate reasons, to their treatment, or to oppose the treatment in the other cases provided for by article 21, paragraphs 2 and 3 and 22 of the GDPR;

✓ to obtain the release of the personal data being processed in a format compatible with standard IT applications, to allow their transfer to other platforms of your choice, without hindering the direct transmission of the processed data to another Data Controller, where such transmission direct is technically feasible [c.d. right to data portability];

In the event of failure or partial response by the Data Controller to the aforementioned requests, you will have the right to lodge a complaint or appeal to the Guarantor for the protection of personal data (Privacy Guarantor) in the terms and according to the methods established by Legislative Decree 196/2003